I don't know where exactly to place Nest Hollow in Oregon, but it definitely has a great view of Mt. Hood and its pristine lake
The view out of Ellie's bedroom window. (Well, it's what I imagine it might look like)
Extract from the "Lycan Book" (Haven't thought of a proper title yet) aka. The Big Bad Book. Something of the Nest Hollow universe.
Lycanthropes aka. werewolves have existed in secret since the beginning of time. Therefore, it is your responsibility, you, the reader, to ensure that the safety and secrecy of our kind is continued. Under no circumstances should you leave this copy of lycan-related material lying around anywhere.
Chapter One : A Brief History of the Werewolf.
As you know, werewolves have existed since the beginning of time, although their exact origin is yet to be determined. Countless legends and myths have arisen from the many sightings and creative thinking of early humans. In earlier times, humans believed that werewolves, or part-beasts were the works of witchcraft and dark magic (In certain cases, it is such) and were therefore feared as evil creatures of the night, walking the earth to do the bidding of Satan himself.
Among the more popular beliefs of lycanthropy is that a subject would change into a wolfish creature for one to several days during the course of a full moon. Werewolves are also said to be immune towards everything except silver bullets.
Most of those so called "myths" are almost completely untrue and are often ridiculed upon by the more modern werewolves. Although some research has been done in recent years, scientists have yet to decipher what it truly means to be a werewolf.
Natural-born werewolves (meaning one or both parents carry lycanthropy) hit what is fondly known as "wolf puberty" around the age of sixteen. Like humans, females mature earlier than boys by several years. During this delicate period, a carrier of lycanthropy, be it a boy or a girl, will be subject to erratic and often violent physical and emotional changes. A parent should be fully aware of what to expect before even thinking of conceiving. The physical changes include the positive growth of muscles and bones, almost complete immunity towards disease or illness, speedy regeneration of damaged cells; all the bells and whistles you'd normally expect in werewolves.
While this may be positive, one must remember that an individual is still a wolf at heart and must be handled with extreme caution, particularly in the case of adolescents as they are the most prone to anxiety and stress and have yet to master complete control of the wolf within them.
The mental changes go downhill from there: An adolescent is subject to "concentrated" stimuli due to the newly hightened senses. Emotions, anger in particular, are among the most difficult to control, especially in males. Control over one's emotions are vital for survival in today's modern cities and urban areas as forests are scarce and the concrete jungles of today hardly offer nearly enough protection from unruly eyes should one suddenly phase in a fit of anger. Emotion management is simple enough to master but one should consider taking emotion management classes, whether by humans or fellow lycans. Sexual urges in both males and females have arisen problems in the past and continue to do so today. Scientists believe that the 24th chromosome is largely to blame for this. Uncontrollable lust and desire in both parties are among the more notable negative side-effects of lycanthrope. This can be treated with the administration of hormone counter-reactive medication.
Out of all the rules and decrees laid down by the Federation, the lycan hierarchy system is perhaps the most important. An Alpha male and female is to lead their packs and protect their respective communities. The Alpha pair is assisted by a Beta and Co-Beta, along with their mates. (See Chapter 15 - Wolf Laws)
As magical creatures, werewolves are also granted a certain extent of magic to their magical properties. Wolves of the past were grandmasters of lycan magic, being able to bend the elements of this world to their favor. The most notable practitioners of this magic is the celebrated Chief Darcus Grayback, Chief and Alpha of the Aux Tribe of Nevada. Grayback, or more fondly known by his nickname, "Sun Wolf" was a master of the flame and could make his wolf appear as a blazing inferno of an animal; likely prompting the "Fire Demon" myths in the area.
Being a werewolf is a gift granted to only the few of us. Appreciating and accepting who we are is vital in the upbringing of a young lycan in preparation for the great adventure that is life itself.
Somewhere here... is the most awesome almost-city in the US of A
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